tisdag 27 juli 2010

At the moose farm

The moose grow their horns over summer and then the horns fall off in winter. That is because it is to difficult to find food in winter with the big horns.

The horns are very heavy. 1o kg on each side. I could just hold one horn over my head

We fed the moose with bread. These moose are very friendly, but they can be dangerous in the wild

There are around 40o,000 wild moose in Sweden.


It is quite important to take care when driving in Sweden because the moose are sometimes walking across the roads, and they are very big animals. If you crash with a moose, it is super dangerous.

The only animals that feed on moose in Sweden are the wolves. Some people also eat moose. I have tried to eat moose sausage. It is not very yummie for me, I like icecream better.

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